Creative people have unique problems.
Photo: Myleen Hollero
Sometimes only a creative person can really help.
Being a creative person, particularly when you can earn a living with your creativity, is one of the great joys of life. It also beings a unique slew of problems with it that people who are not creative don’t really understand. And it can be difficult to find solutions to those problems if you don’t have someone who ‘gets you’ to help.
I’m a creative person and I have been my whole life. I’ve always drawn and written. I went to art school and spent the next 25 years working in advertising as an art director and creative director. I created the Max Headroom campaign for Coke. The original ‘Launch’ campaign for Saturn cars. Work for Levi’s, BMW, and countless more. After I left advertising I had a video production business doing work for Apple, Mozilla, Salesforce and more. Now I write, teach and coach.
For many of us our work is who we are. It’s easy to feel lost if it isn’t going well.
Over the course of my career I’ve worked with every kind of creative person you can imagine. Filmmakers, photographers, writers, actors, designers, artists, illustrators, musicians, producers, choreographers, dancers, singers, puppeteers, video effects artists and so many more.
Amazingly talented people who suffered from the same problems all creative people encounter at one point in their lives or another. Like creative blocks. Imposter syndrome. Procrastination. Lack of focus. Burnout. Fear of losing your gift. Inability to reach the ‘flow state.’ Or just the inability to get anything done.
I’ve experienced many of these conditions myself. And I’ve known and worked with many people who have had to deal with them. I’m here to tell you that there is hope! You can get through this and I can help.
I’ve been there. I know how it feels and I want to see you get past it. Click below to schedule your free introductory call and get back to doing the work you know should be doing.